
Misty Coast – The End of the Beginning

The Norwegian duo from Then-Bergen-Now-Oslo first came to our attention with their song ‘Funny World‘ and then we had a great chat about their music and their first album.

Besided playing in the music collective ‘The Megaphonic Drift’, Linn Frøkedal and Richard Myklebust managed to create their own sound universe between dreamy and psychedelic noise rock, indie and little splices of pop-melodies. They are supported live by Kim Åge Furuhaug on the drums. And it was fellow producer Matias Tellez who mixed their new song ‘The End of the Beginning’ which uses all of the just written ingredients to make it a great and typical Misty Coast song. Especially the part when it goes from the verse to the chorus and has a massive drive and gets to another level. Instantly you are sucked into the universe of Richard and Linn and the guitar sounds surround you and are floating around: Great stuff!

Misty Coast say abot the song: ‘The End of the Beginning is a nostalgia trip, where we reminisce back to a time when it was okay to be naive and live in the present – for better or worse. We have drawn inspiration from music that has left a clear mark on us from early adolescence, from a whirlwind of memories and fantasies that both feel so enormously close and which, fortunately, have long since passed.

The End of the Beginning

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photo by Arne Frøkedal