Featured Music

dePresno – Dance The Darkness Away

If you haven’t heard of dePresno, then you missed out one of the most recognizable voices of Norway! Since his start with tracks like ‘Breathing‘ or the banger ‘Mr. Big‘ (when we did a great interview session) he has put out several album, each one showing his maturing and changing of musical style.

A track of one of Bergen’s districts ‘Nordnes‘ is one of the best pieces of music we ever heard – he catches the vibe in a perfect way. And it is a good in-between-track between the more pop-styled beginnings and his newer songs that show a more classic songwriter approach with modern sparkles on it.

He has been teasing us with new songs for his upcoming album for a couple of months with songs liek ‘Make me feel your love‘ or ‘Loser in the night‘, where he teamed up with ex-AURORA-guitarist and producer Odd Martin Skålnes. Those two guys together can’t do not good music and they keep the Bergen-vibe alive!

Together with songwriter Sinai Tedros he delivers with the song ‘Dance The Darkness Away’ a mature and contemporary song ‘that slaps’.

Dance The Darkness Away

“The inspiration for ‘Dance the Darkness Away’ came from those tough moments we’ve all faced—when everything seems to go wrong and there doesn’t seem to be any way out,” dePresno shares. “an in all honesty, this song was born on a day I was really struggling with those exact feelings. I’ve always found a special kind of joy and peace in dancing—it’s my go-to escape. So, Sinai and I decided to channel that energy and write this track as our own little dance break from the hardships of life.”

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