Album Review Music

The Sweet Serenades – Everything Dies

photo by My Matson

The One-Man-Project ‘The Sweet Serenades’ is back again with a new album – YES!

The Indie-LoFi-Project caught our attention with the genius soung and video ‘Can’t get enough‘ a decade ago. Since then the sound hase moved from a more tradition indie-instrumentation into more slighty electronic and darker direction, but shifting between all those genres.

The best example is the stomper ‘Don’t cry’ which could be a sibling to ‘Can’t get enough’:

The Sweet Serenades - Don't Cry (Official Video)

It is the second time the band works with producer Johannes Berglund (Fever Ray, Shout Out Louds) and textwise the songs also are influenced by personal experiences of singer Martin Nordvall: the death of his father on one side and the birth of his daughter on the other side of the spectrum. On “Jey little Bird” we have guest vocals of acclaimed fellow swedish singer Jennie Abrahamson.

Then there dark ballads on the album like ‘Back in your arms’:

The Sweet Serenades - Back in Your Arms [Official Video]

Almost in a more dark club-sound athmosphere comes the fascinating AKHILIA. another banger on this album and on rotation on and on…

The Sweet Serenades - AKHILIA (Official Video)

Fans of classic indie-pop will be pleased with ‘Walk away’ and the super-clean guitar sounds in it:

The Sweet Serenades - Walk Away (Official Video)

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photo by My Matson

  • Album Review


The Sweet Serenades deliver constantly bangers for indie-fans. This album is such a pleasure to hear – and it is best listened to in a whole: This shows the wide range and the musical universe of the band. A great album to listen to in the darker days and yet having a smile on your face.