Album Review Music Video

Disaster In The Universe – While we are here (Album Review)

The kings of calypso- and laid-back sounds return with a new album While we are here and it is not quite as you would expect it.
On their debut album, the band brought us indie-sounds “with a twist” – naming the use of a good portion of electronics and very party-friendly songs like Beach House or Curiosity; the stage show was also very colourful.

After a little time of silence the first new released material “Take your time” surprised with a much more acoustic/analogue approach. Not all songs on the debut album were uptempo songs but some very chilled pieces of music, so that was a road to follow.

Disaster In The Universe - Take Some Time (LYRIC VIDEO)

The second single “Where I Cannot Go” shows this: A musically more serious soundbase with fine created melodies and choruses – a band that has successfully evolved from their “wild” debut.

Songwriter and lead vocalist Dosser Brandt tells about process and meaning o this album:
In pop-culture more and more content seems industrialized and mass produced – every movie in the cinema feels the same as all the other movies, every song on the radio sounds the same as all the other songs. Since the industry is so largely driven by cold, financial priorities, we wanted to make a warm and unpolished album as a counterweight. In our little dark age of global greed and superficiality it feels as if life is all about making the most money possible – and even brag about it. We think we should try the opposite, try to lose some money, and rather focus on what it means to be a human being.”

The whole album While we are here brings you in a hygge, warm mood – DITA created (again) their own universe with this record. You can find the strong melodies in more potential hits like “Let it go” or “I try”.

It took us 2-3 spins to hear the strength of the this album, but since then it is a good companion in the autumn days. A perfect soundtrack, if you take a stroll through the woods! While we are here has been released worldwide on Friday, November 3rd.

Follow DITA on the web, facebook, twitter.

Photos by Alexandra O Neal.

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