Nille Nyc – Mothership 2.0

Danish Nille Nyc, who had her music debut in 2018, delivers bright shining radio pop with ‘Mothership 2.0’. It would make us wonder if this will be a regular on the radio stations playlists with its crystal clear synth sounds and a rememberable chorus.

Textwise it is about an important issue:

During the safety briefing on planes, you’re always told to put on the oxygen mask yourself before helping your loved ones“, says Nille Nyc and points out that this message should also apply in other aspects of life. “Especially after Covid, I’ve had to relearn how to take care and accommodate myself, in order to
be the best mother to my children

Families with children all over the world have experienced the social consequences and changes in children’s behavior after the reopening of schools and daycares. It has required that many parents have had to reconsider their way of parenting.

My new single is about taking a break, working on yourself, in order to return in a better version. Then you can handle the challenges that the parental role demands from you in 2023 much better. I think it is important to teach our children that. To take responsibility for one’s well-being instead of ignoring it”, says Nille Nyc.

For me, music is the oxygen mask, if we’re sticking with that terminology. By expressing myself through music and lyrics, I gain a better understanding of myself and the reality I find myself in. It gives me renewed energy and hope for the future. I really want to share that message with other parents, fathers as well as mothers. If you are struggling with some challenges, you must remember your own oxygen mask. It can be a conversation with a good friend, sports, meditation, therapy etc. I would argue that it makes us all better parents. That we can accomodate ourselves. Even on the hardest of days.”

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Photos & Edit: Malene Nelting
Styling & Make-up: Nille Nyc