
Debut: Mirri – Kunne burde skulle

Mirri – which is the short moniker of Oslo-based singer Miriam Kristoffersen – has been at the well-known popschool LIMPI in Norway in the last years to set a base and network to start her career. Now she is ready to release her debut single ‘Kunne burde skulle’, which is a well-produced and catchy pop song at its best. This thriving beat with the great bass is damn catchy and gives pleanty of room for Mirri’s vocals and melodylines that evolve into a chorus that sticky to your head right away.

The song’s meaning is about personal feelings and a “Could Should Would”-feeling.

Mirri tells about the song: “You know when everything feels right and you spend a lot of time and energy on a person who doesn’t give you the same back, but just enough so that you don’t are able to let go? Classic situationship, and it sucks. “Kunne burde skulle” puts it into words the uncertainty and feelings I felt of not being enough for another, and as a hopeless person romantic, it is of course mixed with the hope of what could have been if she just gave us a chance.”

Kunne burde skulle

“Kunne burde skulle” is out on Typo Two Records.

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Photo: Press/Artist