Album Review Music Video

NEØV – Volant (Album)

NEØV is a band coming the center of Finland’s heart, where all those lakes and forests are – from Juankoski.

Their new album contains a good amount of indie pop/indierock-tracks, combined with a flavor of their surroundings and melancholic moods.

The album starts off with the indie-rock hymn Lost in time, an electric guitar driven track that delivers beautiful guitar riffs, combined with the voice of singer Anssi Neuvonen that has some delay effects on that makes it sound wider away. Perfect for cruising around the forest.

NEØV - Lost In Time (Official Video)

Elysion starts with a sing-along chorus, stadium-power! The uptempo song is another highlight on this record and an example of how indierock should sound today.

NEØV - Elysion (Official Video)

Brothers soaks up a good amount of melancholy and has strong melodies to die for.

NEØV - Person I Used To Be (Official Video)

Raindrops starts off with a more acoustic and piano driven sound base that fits very well for the ballad. OMG – this is the next highlight on this album! Painful beautiful.

With October, The half horizon and The golden front with the thriving drumbeat and those echoed piano sounds they follow the path of melancholic mid-tempo songs with gorgeous melodies.

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It is clear, why NEØV has achieved the status of Finland’s new Indie-hope. With Volant they deliver a musically and text-wise grown-up and damn catchy album.