Anna Soleil – It’s you

Anna Soleil is a 25-year-old singer from Norway who has done musical stuff in various genres, falling in love with opera music and floating between the genre-borders.

‘It’s you’ is a track from her upcoming ep and it starts with a calming, repeating and floating piano-part that sets the base for the song. Then the calm vocals do their work and set a mood that creates a special athmosphere: Like an old song played in a house on wide land. Intimate and distant at the same time. The melodies are sometimes close to pop and then take a turn and they sound almost classical with the choir. And then there some good used electronic sparkles – everything has to do with everything.

Anna says of the single “It’s about an intense dream, disappearing into the beautiful, absurd, greedy and painful space of falling in love. I want to convey the beauty in this room, all the images and atmospheres that are born there – but also the vulnerability. The uncertainty that arises when one doesn’t know if the feeling is mutual.”

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Photo by Abi Qadar